By some accident, I run into GitHub Pages website and I decided to give it a try. It seems like really quick and easy way to get yourself a website with full control over it.

To install Jekyll on Ubuntu 14.04, my home computer, I first installed ruby and ruby development packages.

sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev make gcc nodejs

Then I installed Jekyll using gem command, which is shipped with Ruby.

sudo gem install jekyll

After that I was all set and ready to go. You can verify that Jekyll was successfully installed by checking it’s installed version.

jekyll --version

If you run into problems, there are thousands of posts to help you out. I pretty much just followed this post.

Creating a website

To get your page on your GitHub account, just create repository with name with your user name. Then all you need to do is:

  • Download the repository.
> clone<username>/<username>
  • Create the jekyll website and maybe have a look at it on your computer.
> jekyll new <username>
> cd <username>
> jekyll serve
  • Push it to server.
> git add --all
> git commit -m "Initial commit"
> git push -u origin master

I changed the look of website, based on my old static website I had on my computer.

Old website

So far, I really like Jekyll. It’s fairly simple, has loads of add-ons and features. And it just works. You are pretty much able to have whole website running within a minute and everyone who is little bit familiar with HTML & CSS can create and update content.